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Help on markup

This site markup implements a large subset of the Wiki Creole 1.0 standard.

Sections: Heading, Emphasis, Punctuation, Paragraph, Lists, Preformat, Syntax, Links, Aliases, Images, Tables, Math.


Headings have one or more '=', beginning in column 1.

= Huge Heading (html h1)
== Large Heading (html h2, nominal)
=== Medium Heading (html h3, sub-sub-level)
==== Small Heading (html h4, sub-sub-sub-level)
===== Tiny Heading (html h5, minimum level supported)

Huge Heading (html h1)

Large Heading (html h2, nominal)

Medium Heading (html h3, sub-sub-level)

Small Heading (html h4, sub-sub-sub-level)

Tiny Heading (html h5, minimum level supported)


Horizontal rules have four or more '-', beginning in column 1.

Plain text.

##Monospace markup##

//Italic markup//

**Bold markup**

**//Bold italic markup//**

//**Italic bold markup**//

Horizontal rule.

Plain text.

Monospace markup

Italic markup

Bold markup

Bold italic markup

Italic bold markup

Horizontal rule.


Markup Results Comment
Go...home Go…home …
Go--home Go–home –
Go---home Go—home —
Go----home Go—-home —-
Go~home Go home  
Go\~home Go~home "~"
Go~~home Go∼home ∼
Go(C)home Go©home ©
Go-->home Go→home →
Go<--home Go←home &larr;
Go(R)home Go®home &reg;
Go(TM)home Go™home &trade;
Go%%home Go‰home &permil;
Go``home Go“home &ldquo;
Go''home Go”home &rdquo;
Go,,home Gohome &bdquo;


Adjoining lines are concatenated and
long lines are wrapped when rendered.
Adjoining sentences become paragraphs.

Adjoining lines are concatenated and long lines are wrapped when rendered. Adjoining sentences become paragraphs.

Force line breaks with\\two back slashes.

Force line breaks with
two back slashes.


List item lines begin with one or more '*', followed by white space and text for the item. Sub-lists are controlled by the number of '*', not indentation. Indents are optional before the initial '*', but not recommended. If used, two blanks per sub-level are recommended for consistency. For numbered lists use '#' instead of '*'.

Bullet list:
* First item
* Second item
** Sub-item
*** Sub-sub-item
* Third item
  ** Sub-item (leading white space is ignored)
    *** Sub-sub-item (space improves readability)

Bullet list:

Numbered list:
# First item
# Second item
## Sub-item
### Sub-sub-item
### Sub-sub-item-2
## Sub-item-2
# Third item
  ## Sub-item (leading white space is ignored)
    ### Sub-sub-item (space improves readability)

Numbered list:

  1. First item
  2. Second item
    1. Sub-item
      1. Sub-sub-item
      2. Sub-sub-item-2
    2. Sub-item-2
  3. Third item
    1. Sub-item (leading white space is ignored)
      1. Sub-sub-item (space improves readability)


    Lines that begin with white space
        are 'preformatted' (not joined),
    unless they are '* items' in lists.
    Lines that begin with white space
        are 'preformatted' (not joined),
    unless they are '* items' in lists.
> Joe: Block quote lines begin with one or more '>'.
>> Bob: When are they typically used?
>>> Joe: Conversation highlights mostly.

Joe: Block quote lines begin with one or more '>'.

Bob: When are they typically used?

Joe: Conversation highlights mostly.

Inline **text** within {{{triple braces}}} use //monospace// font.
All markup {{{**is** //ignored//}}} within the braces.

Inline text within triple braces use monospace font. All markup **is** //ignored// within the braces.

Blocks of text delimited by lines that begin and end
with triple braces are preformatted and monospace.

All markup **is** //ignored// within the block.
Note: this "} }}" is a kludge for "}}}".
} }}
Blocks of text delimited by lines that begin and end
with triple braces are preformatted and monospace.

All markup **is** //ignored// within the block.
Note: this "} }}" is a kludge for "}}}".


Syntax highlighting can be requested with
the opening triple braces, i.e. "#!text".
} }}

Syntax highlighting can be requested with
the opening triple braces, i.e. "#!text".

Many languages and file formats are supported by http://pygments.org/docs/lexers/:

/* "Hello World" written in C */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char[]* argv)
{ printf("Hello World\n"); return 0; }
} }}

/* "Hello World" written in C */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char[]* argv)
{ printf("Hello World\n"); return 0; }


Link syntax:
* [[Help]]
* [[Help|Markup details]]
* [[Help#emphasis]]
* [[Help#emphasis|Markup emphasis]]
* [[Install/ISO/boot.png]]
* [[Spell/Standards#export]] -- chapter_1/section_2#par3
* [[#test]]
* [[#test|On page link]]
* [[#5|[5] ]] Footnote reference
* http://www.sourcemage.org
* [[http://www.sourcemage.org]]
* [[http://www.sourcemage.org|Source Mage]]
* [[About|{{logo_big.png}}]]

{{#5}} [5] Footnote anchor.

Link syntax:

[5] Footnote anchor.


To use aliases, create a page named "Alias" and put links into it like so:


Then use the aliases like so:

[[:AliasName:bar|this links to http://example.com/bar]]
[[:AnotherAlias:bar#baz|this goes to http://example.com/bar/foo#baz]]


Three logo variations
rendered inline

Three logo variations logo_big.png Logo logo_big.png rendered inline.


Don't use tables for layout!

|Headers |=Column A|=Column B|=Column C|
|=Row 1  |Cell A1  |Cell B1  |Cell C1  |
|=Row 2  |Cell A2  |Cell B2  |
|=Row 3  |Cell A3  |Cell B3  |Cell C3  |

Headers Column AColumn BColumn C
Row 1 Cell A1 Cell B1 Cell C1
Row 2 Cell A2 Cell B2
Row 3 Cell A3 Cell B3 Cell C3

|=Line Hdr\\Break Hdr|=Column //A//|Italic //B//|=Column C|
|Row 1 |Bold **A1**|Italic //B1//|Cell C1|
|=Row 2|Line A2\\Break A2|  |Link [[#list|C2]]|
|=Row 3|{{{A3= Bar}}}    |Bold **B3**|

Line Hdr
Break Hdr
Column AItalic BColumn C
Row 1 Bold A1Italic B1Cell C1
Row 2Line A2
Break A2
Link C2
Row 3A3= Bar Bold B3


This site doesn't render mathematical formulas all by itself, instead it displays images from an external service, such as https://www.mathjax.org (the default) or mimeTeX. You can use LaTeX-like syntax, enclosed in double dollar signs $$. For example, you can write the famous Einstein–Pythagoras equation:



There is a list of LaTeX rendering services.