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How to become a mirror

Currently, we support mirroring via rsync (in SMGL you can run cast rsync to install it). If you want to create a mirror for Source Mage, you can use the following commands to do so (where /var/ftp/sourcemage is your path served by HTTP or FTP server):

This command will clone all our Codex sources located at download.sourcemage.org/codex/.

This one will copy all Sorcery branches located at download.sourcemage.org/sorcery/.

And this command will do to the same for our ISO images at download.sourcemage.org/iso/.
Alternatively, you can use full path to a file (e.g. to an ISO image) to host it:

Note: for the entire mirror you might want to use the download rsync module instead:

Here's an example of partial mirroring for the most important parts of Source Mage put into one crontab file:

$ crontab -l
# ----------------------+
# Source Mage mirroring |

# Sorcery::stable
0       6       *       *       *       /usr/bin/rsync -rptL --no-motd --delete --delete-after --force "rsync://master.download.sourcemage.org/sorcery/sorcery-stable.tar.bz2" "/var/ftp/sourcemage/sorcery"
0       6       *       *       *       /usr/bin/rsync -rptL --no-motd --delete --delete-after --force "rsync://master.download.sourcemage.org/sorcery/sorcery-stable.tar.bz2.asc" "/var/ftp/sourcemage/sorcery"

# Sorcery::test|devel
15      *       *       *       *       /usr/bin/rsync -rptL --no-motd --delete --delete-after --force "rsync://master.download.sourcemage.org/sorcery/sorcery-test.tar.bz2" "/var/ftp/sourcemage/sorcery"
15      *       *       *       *       /usr/bin/rsync -rptL --no-motd --delete --delete-after --force "rsync://master.download.sourcemage.org/sorcery/sorcery-test.tar.bz2.asc" "/var/ftp/sourcemage/sorcery"
15      *       *       *       *       /usr/bin/rsync -rptL --no-motd --delete --delete-after --force "rsync://master.download.sourcemage.org/sorcery/sorcery-devel.tar.bz2" "/var/ftp/sourcemage/sorcery"
15      *       *       *       *       /usr/bin/rsync -rptL --no-motd --delete --delete-after --force "rsync://master.download.sourcemage.org/sorcery/sorcery-devel.tar.bz2.asc" "/var/ftp/sourcemage/sorcery"

# Codex::stable|stable-rc
0       7       *       *       *       /usr/bin/rsync -rptL --no-motd --delete --delete-after --force "rsync://master.download.sourcemage.org/codex/stable.tar.bz2" "/var/ftp/sourcemage/codex"
0       7       *       *       *       /usr/bin/rsync -rptL --no-motd --delete --delete-after --force "rsync://master.download.sourcemage.org/codex/stable.tar.bz2.asc" "/var/ftp/sourcemage/codex"
0       7       *       *       *       /usr/bin/rsync -rptL --no-motd --delete --delete-after --force "rsync://master.download.sourcemage.org/codex/stable-rc.tar.bz2" "/var/ftp/sourcemage/codex"
0       7       *       *       *       /usr/bin/rsync -rptL --no-motd --delete --delete-after --force "rsync://master.download.sourcemage.org/codex/stable-rc.tar.bz2.asc" "/var/ftp/sourcemage/codex"

# Codex::test|games|binary|z-rejected
30      *       *       *       *       /usr/bin/rsync -rptL --no-motd --delete --delete-after --force "rsync://master.download.sourcemage.org/codex/test.tar.bz2" "/var/ftp/sourcemage/codex"
30      *       *       *       *       /usr/bin/rsync -rptL --no-motd --delete --delete-after --force "rsync://master.download.sourcemage.org/codex/test.tar.bz2.asc" "/var/ftp/sourcemage/codex"
32      *       *       *       *       /usr/bin/rsync -rptL --no-motd --delete --delete-after --force "rsync://master.download.sourcemage.org/codex/games.tar.bz2" "/var/ftp/sourcemage/codex"
32      *       *       *       *       /usr/bin/rsync -rptL --no-motd --delete --delete-after --force "rsync://master.download.sourcemage.org/codex/games.tar.bz2.asc" "/var/ftp/sourcemage/codex"
34      *       *       *       *       /usr/bin/rsync -rptL --no-motd --delete --delete-after --force "rsync://master.download.sourcemage.org/codex/binary.tar.bz2" "/var/ftp/sourcemage/codex"
34      *       *       *       *       /usr/bin/rsync -rptL --no-motd --delete --delete-after --force "rsync://master.download.sourcemage.org/codex/binary.tar.bz2.asc" "/var/ftp/sourcemage/codex"
36      *       *       *       *       /usr/bin/rsync -rptL --no-motd --delete --delete-after --force "rsync://master.download.sourcemage.org/codex/z-rejected.tar.bz2" "/var/ftp/sourcemage/codex"
36      *       *       *       *       /usr/bin/rsync -rptL --no-motd --delete --delete-after --force "rsync://master.download.sourcemage.org/codex/z-rejected.tar.bz2.asc" "/var/ftp/sourcemage/codex"

# ISO::ppc|x86(i486)
0       3       *       *       5       /usr/bin/rsync -rptL --no-motd --delete --delete-after --force "rsync://master.download.sourcemage.org/iso/smgl-stable-ppc.iso.bz2" "/var/ftp/sourcemage/iso"
0       3       *       *       5       /usr/bin/rsync -rptL --no-motd --delete --delete-after --force "rsync://master.download.sourcemage.org/iso/smgl-stable-ppc.iso.sig" "/var/ftp/sourcemage/iso"
45      3       *       *       5       /usr/bin/rsync -rptL --no-motd --delete --delete-after --force "rsync://master.download.sourcemage.org/iso/smgl-stable-x86(i486).iso.bz2" "/var/ftp/sourcemage/iso"
45      3       *       *       5       /usr/bin/rsync -rptL --no-motd --delete --delete-after --force "rsync://master.download.sourcemage.org/iso/smgl-stable-x86(i486).iso.sig" "/var/ftp/sourcemage/iso"

Once it's ready, please contact us and provide geo-location and timezone information of the hosting server.