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First of all, bashdoc is here to help you, the developer. It provides you with a simple, easy to use method of documenting your code. It also provides a standardized way to generate pretty HTML documentation as a reference.


File := <FileSegment>*
FileSegment := <BashDoc>|<Code>
Code := anything not BashDoc  ;)
BashDoc := <Start><Body><End>
Start, End := #---[-]*
Body := <Line>*
Line := ##<L2>
L2 := TagLine | DescLine
TagLine := @<Tag> <Text>
Tag := param | <Word>
DescLine := <Text>
Text := .* | <Link><Text>
Link := \\<@function (<File>,)?<Function>\\>
File := filename
Function := function name
Word := [[:alpha:]]+

Suggested tags:

 @param: when order is important
 @Arguments: when order is unimportant
 @Stdout: what is dumped to stdout by this function
 @Stderr: whe is dumped to stderr
 @Stdin: what is expected from stdin
 @return: what the return values mean
 @Globals: global variables used

Some others are that are used:

 @Type API: if it's an API function

Keep in mind that <@function some_function> will make a link to the named function in the current file. If you want to link to a function in another file, you'll have to use <@function file,function> where file is the name of the bashdoc file, not the real file (so use var.lib.sorcery.modules.libsorcery instead of /var/lib/sorcery/modules/libsorcery).

Any funny symbols will not be translated for you, so putting <something> in the comments would be a no-no.

There are two kinds of bashdoc comments. Comments for the whole file and comments for functions. If the comment is directly followed by a function line, then it is assumed that the comment pertains to that function (thus it is not necessary to specify what function a comment is for). If there is not a function line directly following the end of the bashdoc comment, it is assumed to be for the whole file. Only the first global comment is used, the rest are discarded.

For example this is proper use for a function:

## Some text
function foo()


from the bashdoc.sh script:

   @Synopsis Reads specialy formated shell scripts and creates docs
   @Copyright     Copyright 2003, Paul Mahon
   @License  GPL v2
   Parses comments between lines of '---'
   Lines to be parsed start with . All tags start with @.
   Lines without a tag are considered simple description of the section.
   If the line following the comment block doesn't start with 'function'
   the it's assumed that the comment is for the whole file. Only the first
   non-function comment block will be used, the other will be ignored.
   Multiple identical tags are allowed, the contents are appended and separated
   with a space. @param tags are treated specials and are assumed to be in order.
   There is an additional &lt;@function FUNCTION_NAME&gt; tag that can be embeded
   in any bashdoc comment. It will be transformed into a link to that function.
   Note, this will only work for functions that are defined in the same script.
   Usage:    [-p project] [-o directory] [-e tag] [--] script [ script ...]
   '-p project'   Name of the project
   '-o directory' Specifies the directory you want the
        resulting html to go into
  '-e tag'   Only output if the block has this tag
   '--'      No more arguments, only scripts
   'script'  The script you want documented

There are two other scripts to enhance bashdoc: src2html.sh and flow.sh.

Note: these both have --help argument to see how to use them.