Spell | Volunteer | Searched | Sign-Off | Alt Sign-Off | Notes |
basesystem | lynx | | X | | part of non-gating bug: #12857, text-editor and pager provides |
bash | eekee | | X | | (note: bash didn't change since 0.6 –emrys) |
binutils | sandalle | | X | | |
bison | sandalle | | X | | |
bzip2 | ruskie | | X | | |
console-tools | tboatman | | X | | versions consistent across grimoires - no open bugs |
console-data | tboatman | | X | | same as console-tools |
coreutils | eekee | | X | | (this has changes since 0.6 but isn't a higher PATCHLEVEL so doesn't try to update –emrys) |
cpio | ruskie | | X | | |
dialog | afrayedknot | | X | | |
diffutils | CuZnDragon | | X | | No bugs found, compiles fine. |
e2fsprogs | sandalle | | X | | |
file | sandalle | | X | | Fine, excepting version difference at primary site |
findutils | sandalle | | X | | |
flex | sandalle | | X | | |
gawk | afrayedknot | | X | | |
gcc | sandalle | | X | | |
gettext | sandalle | | X | | |
glibc | lynx | | X | | nongating: glibc optionally depend on perl (Bug #12962)]] |
gnupg | ruskie | | X | | This works per-se but has a problem it lacks a trigger to be recast on curl upgrade – did you notice i fixed this in test with commit http://scmweb.sourcemage.org/?p=smgl/grimoire.git;a=commit;h=1c2da056541d694c6df186fdc4db22e233a366ee? -iuso - yeah that fixed it |
grep | lejatorn | | X | | There is bug #12990 but can't reproduce it and doesn't seem gating to me. No problem besides that. |
grub | sandalle | | X | | Updates and installs fine, but has a potential issue with #12852 |
gzip | ruskie | | X | | |
iana-etc | sandalle | | X | | Bug #13075 non-gating |
init.d | emrys | | X | | |
installwatch | afrayedknot | | X | | |
less | sandalle | | X | | |
lilo | ruskie | | X | | Still builds and runs |
locale | lynx | | X | | nongating: #13485 |
kbd | lynx | | X | | |
m4 | sandalle | | X | | |
make | CuZnDragon | | X | | No bugs found, compiles fine. |
mktemp | sandalle | | X | | |
module-init-tools | sandalle | | X | | No changes, casts fine, but depends on udev (#13265, #13417) |
nano | sandalle | | X | | |
ncurses | p3pilot | | X | | #10004 Updated to 5.6. I think this bug is squashed, should be closed |
netconf | iuso | | X | | unfortunately i'm too busy with work to fix these, but they aren't serious enough to justify holding the release back. signing off. #10517, #11694. |
net-tools | sandalle | | X | | Bug #10207 and Bug #10746 are non-gating |
patch | CuZnDragon | | X | | No bugs found, compiles fine. |
perl | sandalle | | X | | Bug #10392, Bug #10493, and Bug #10731. None of these are regressions, but they do cause problems and are fixed and integrated |
procps | sandalle | | X | | casts fine, the only bug is the coreutils/util-linux one (resolved) |
readline | p3pilot | | X | | #8506, Bug is squashed, should be closed |
sed | sandalle | | X | | casts and upgrades ok |
shadow | sobukus | | X | | #8834 is now integrated, issue with INSTALL_ROOT is saved for future |
simpleinit-msb | sandalle | | X | | |
smgl-archspecs | sobukus | | X | | #13240 is close to being resolved by releasing 0.7.x with this stable |
smgl-fhs | lynx | | X | | Non-Gating #8653 (master bug) |
tar | ruskie | | X | | |
texinfo | sandalle | | X | | |
udev | iuso | | X | | fixed and integrated: #13417, #13500 |
unzip | ruskie | | X | | |
util-linux | lynx | | X | | casts fine, also tested with the kill fixes |
wget | afrayedknot | | X | | wget broke because of bug #13121. Still signed off because it should happen (argueably) rarely and it's not gonna be fixed soon anyway. |
zlib | sandalle | | X | | |