IRC nick(s): phma or pier when I'm on, which is rare
Role in SMGL: I fix the occasional small Sorcery bug and write spells. I'm waiting for my laptop to get back with its fan fixed so that I can cast spells again.
Age/Birthdate: 40
Location/Country: Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
When did you first start using Linux and why?
I started in September 1998 and I'm not sure what my reason was.
How long have you been using the SMGL distribution?
I'll figure that out when I get the laptop back.
What piqued your interest in SMGL initially?
I've been through some sessions of manually upgrading software on Red Hat and Mandrake. Trying to figure out what libraries to upgrade is a nightmare. It's easier to recompile the program with the existing libraries. When I tried out SourceMage, it cast its spell on me and I was fascinated.
Tell us a little bit about yourself. Education/Career/Skills?
What other OS programs/software have you worked on?
Win32Forth and some C++ programming in Windows; got some programs installed and working in SCO.
vi or emacs?
Neither. I'd rather use nano or kwrite.
Do you have any family?
Mother, sister, niece, nephew, and some aunts and uncles.
What kind of car do you drive? Or what is your dream car?
I like bike!