IRC nick(s): misantrop (no, not misanthrop ;-))
Role in SMGL: Section maintainer for windowmanagers
Age/Birthdate: 17
Location/Country: Schwaebisch Hall, Germany
When did you first start using Linux and why?
It was about 2002 when I first installed Redhat. I was interested in Linux because everyone talked about it and so I wanted to test it too. First it wasn't easy because of the big difference to Windows so i removed it and reinstalled Windows. But after a half year I gave it a second try and since then I'm using it. I tested nearly all distributions and also *BSD. I was excited of the FreeBSD ports but I had problems with some drivers so I went back to Linux. Tested all source-distros listed on distrowatch, SMGL was the best for me.
vi or emacs?
My first editor was emacs but I like nano the most.
I was using KDE a long time but since I saw some fluxbox screenies it is the one and only for me :-)
Having the choice between them I would choose to GNOME.
Favourite IRC-client
irssi, because it's smart and you don't need X.
Things that you don't want to miss in your life
My computer, coffee and junkfood. Also good music is needed everytime ;-)