IRC nick(s): Tritol
Role in SMGL: General Guru
Age/Birthdate: 31 (1976-11-05)
Location/Country: Czech Republic
When did you first start using Linux and why?
I started using Linux 10 years ago (or so). As a user from 8bit world (ZX Spectrum) I dislike Windows and PC's at all but I heard from friend that Linux make PC a little more usable :-) .
How long have you been using the SMGL distribution?
Since Mandarke 9.1 (spring 2003)
What piqued your interest in SMGL initially?
I unsuccessfully installed Mandrake 9.1 and decided to try source based distribution.
What future do you personally see for SMGL?
Great :-)
Tell us a little bit about yourself. Education/Career/Skills?
I have leaving certificate in Electronic Computer Systems from Prague technical school. I'm programmer and system administrator in small computer company. Skills? Coding (Z80 assembler, C, C++, PHP), SQL databases, shell scripting etc.
Any personal messages for the Source Mage users out there?
Make this distribution bigger and bigger :-)
What other OS programs/software have you worked on?
I created some stuff for ZX Spectrum (now working on DEMFIR), some other small linux projects (not published) and working on czech translation of UFO:AI (sometimes on code improvements too :-) )
vi or emacs?
fwvm-crystal with KDE and GNOME libs
Do you have any family?
Own not yet
What other hobbies?
ZX Spectrum, Geocaching, Scottish dancing, Tai-ji
What kind of car do you drive? Or what is your dream car?
I have no car but if I buy one it will be Porsche 911 :-) .
Please attach a recent photograph of yourself – if you're brave enough ;=)
Brave but not skilled enough, how to attach a file?